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Kick Off 2020

Mr. Confidential

French Toast Casserole Buffet

In preparation for the start of the new season, 4125 Confidential members gathered for a pre-kickoff sleepover! We played board games, video games, and enjoyed delicious food and snacks. The team, sleepy eyed, woke up at 6:00 in the morning to prepare for the long awaited game reveal.

The day started with preparing Confidential Headquarters for the arrival of friends and family members. After breakfast, the annual french toast casserole, voices quieted for the 2020 live stream to begin. As Infinite Recharge was revealed, team members eagerly took notes. We spent the rest of the morning going over team strategy.

We were accompanied by various 4125 alumni. Past marketing members shared their many helpful tips about how to smoothly go about the season. We are very thankful for all of our mentors, alum, and the community who came to support us, and we are excited for the season ahead of us.

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